- At first it was just like a shooting star. But then it gradually took on more colors, just as if it was going through a rainbow, a rainbow that would shine and sintillate at night.
I watched it go down all the way. It was a magical experience. And then, as it reached the horizon, the night sky illuminated itself, slowly, and a wave of warmth and happiness came over us all.
- And then, what happened ?
- Then we were happy.
- What about the zombies ?
- There were no zombies. This was an invention of the authorities. We were happy so we stopped working and we started hanging out in the streets having big parties. The authorities got scared and invented the zombie story to try and control us.
- We know there were zombies. We have recorded evidence.
- I've seen your evidence, it's as convincing as a 1970's B-Movie. Seriously, what do you think is more likely? That the entire population of the city became zombies - or that the entire population of the city, allienated by decades of pointless and stressful work started rebelling against the government?
- What is not likely is the government sending in the army, killing tens of thousands for mass middle age crisis.
- And yet this is exactly what happened. Trust me.
- Trust you? I ... Hey? What are you? Stop biting me! Stop! I ... I ... Oohhh, I feel good. This is nice. The weather's nice too, we should go out and party!