I can feel reality flow, but never I can grasp it. There's a dream around me, a vessel I created to protect myself, and of which I cannot escape. Not that I would want to.
After a time it got lonely here, and since I cannot leave I started inviting people. Maybe they too can be happy here. You have to be carefull though - once I invited a bad person, who tried to hurt me. But the vessel is build for protection - it withered and like a lion shaking it's fleas away, it ejected the bad person, reformed, and moved on. Some other people were ejected too, but I will let them back in, with time.
The vessel, the dream, keeps me happy and safe. It happens that I look overboard to see where reality is - at times far and misty, at others scaringly close below me, and I endeavour to steer away. Because if the vessel was ever to run aground and crash, I know I would die.